All the rights over the www.parentship.ro website belong to Parentship. The full or partial reproduction texts or images on any page of the www.parentship.ro website is possible only with the prior written agreement from Parentship. For the written agreement please contact us at contact@parentship.ro.
This document states the terms and conditions under which you can use the www.parentship.ro website.
Accessing and using the www.parentship.ro website is done according to these rules and to the terms and conditions stated below. Using the website and accessing the services imply accepting those terms and conditions and all the consequences following the usage.
The allowed purpose for using this website is getting information. Any other use except for this purpose is not allowed. Parentship takes no responsibility for the security of this website or of your line of communication with it.
The term “user” of this website refers to any private body or legal entity that will access this website.
Parentship offers free access to the www.parentship.ro website and authorizes you to see, print and send information on the website in personal, noncommercial purposes.
Copyright for the information published on this website is held by Parentship or its partners. No material on this website can be reproduced partially or fully or altered without the prior explicit written permission from Parentship or its partners.
The content of this website, the texts, graphics, photos, software, logos and any other materials on the website are protected by the copyright law and are a property of Parentship or its partners.
It is forbidden to make references on other sites to this site or the other way round without a prior written consent. In case this happens without an explicit written consent from Parentship, Parentship takes no responsibility for the unaffiliated websites with which it may be connected, for the materials posted on the site by people who are not authorized by Parentship and reserves the right to take legal measures against any such action lacking a prior written consent, according to current laws and legislations.
Parentship or third parties can supply, through the website, authorized links to other pages or World Wide Web resources. Parentship does not guarantee, is not and cannot be made responsible in any way for their availability, form, content, advertising, products or other available materials on the respective websites. Parentship shall not be responsible or liable to pay compensation, either directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or presumed to be caused by or in connection to using or trusting the information, content, goods or services made available on the respective websites.
Reproducing, copying, multiplying, selling, reselling or exploiting a part of the services, accessing or using the services or information made available by Parentship through the website in a way that breaks Romanian or international legislation regarding copyright and intellectual property, involves civil or criminal liability for such actions.
Parentship reserves the right to stop through any means the contacting and usage of this website and to take legal actions according to current legislation against people involved if there is proof that the purpose is the destruction or alteration of the website, its content or security or the attempt to attack or discredit Parentship or its partners, products, services and is employees.
Any possible litigation connected to this website is under the jurisdiction of ordinary courts in Romania.
It is not allowed to:
- copy, multiply, distribute, archive or keep through any means, including electronic, magnetic or computerized ones, materials and information existing on this website;
- try to intervene through any means with the content of this website, delete or modify through any means the materials and information published or to try to act with this purpose;
- use any e-mail addresses made public through the website for distributing them on mailing lists or for sending commercial (“spam”) e-mails or for any other purpose except sending justified personal e-mails without a written consent from the owners of those addresses.
Breaking any of these rules leads to civil or criminal liability.
Parentship reserves the right to modify or interrupt, temporarily or permanently, partially or totally, the services made available through this website, with or without prior notification.
Parentship is not liable towards the users, any third party, be that an individual, a legal entity or an institution, for modifying, suspending or interrupting services available through the website.
Parentship can at any time change the content and terms of use of the website. The new terms of use become valid at the moment they are made public through being posted on this website and do not apply retroactively.
By accepting to use this website, you are expressly and implicitly stating that you understand and agree with the following:
- using this website is done on one’s own responsibility.
Parentship offers no guarantee that:
- the information shall fulfill your requirements ;
- the services shall be uninterrupted, on time, safe or lacking errors;
- the results that can be obtained through using the information on the website shall be the ones you desire;
- the quality of any products, services, information or other materials bought or obtained by you through the website shall satisfy all your requirements;
- any program error shall be corrected.
The user is the only one responsible for any destruction caused to IT systems or the network from which he/ she accesses the website or any other data loss which might be the result of downloading information and services from the content of the website.
No advice or other oral or written information obtained from the Parentship website or through the services of the website, constitutes a guarantee unless expressly stated so in the Terms and Conditions.
Parentship shall not be responsible for any damages, be they direct, indirect, accidental or special, including but not limited to damages in profit loss, goodwill, possibility of use, data or other intangible or incommensurate loss (even if Parentship was previously informed about the possibility of such loss occurring), resulting from:
- using or the impossibility of using the information on the website;
- unauthorized access to or deterioration of transmission or of the data of the user;
- declarations or actions of any third party over the services of the website;
- any other problem connected to the services of the website.
If it is considered that any material made available on the website, posted by Parentship, by third parties or users, violates copyright or any other right, a notification about this situation needs to be sent to the following e-mail address: contact@parentship.ro.
For the sections of the website that can include opinions of readers, the responsibility for the content of the opinions belongs entirely to their authors. Parentship reserves the right not to make public those opinions that run counter to the terms and conditions or which it considers harmful in any way to its own, its partners’ or third parties’ images.
This website is offered in in this shape without guarantees. Parentship is not and cannot be made responsible for discrepancies, lack of availability or other deficiencies of this website or its content.
Personal information made available to the Parentship.ro website for receiving or being able to use certain services is under the protection of Law 677/2001.
Through filling in the lines in the on-line registration forms, users agree that the personal data they register is included in the Parentship.ro data base and that they shall receive messages regarding products and services, promotions , competitions or other actions taken in the future by Parentship.ro and its approved partners.
Parentship commits itself not to make public the e-mail addresses of users and not to reveal them to third parties unless the third party is among the expressly approved partners, except the case in which such action is necessary in order to respect the law or judicial procedures.
Parentship is not liable for attacks with the purpose of theft or vandalism and which may lead to revealing or compromising the data.
www.parentship.ro uses "cookies" to identify users. These do not contain any personal data of the user and imply no risk in case they are intercepted by third parties. If the browser is set up not to accept cookies, certain pages may partially or entirely not work.
On the www.parentship.ro website there can be advertisements and or links to other pages belonging to third parties, including partners, advertising suppliers or sponsors. The information belonging to external websites is not under the control of Parentship and any publishing of personal data on other Internet pages is done at one’s own risk.
Parentship reserves the right to modify, review and complete these rules at any moment. Any modification shall be made public on this page and shall become effective from the moment of its publication on the website.